
jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

Rewun - Icon Pack v5.1.0 APK

Materializado y creativo, muy distintiva y única. iconos diseñados sin forma pura. detalles impresionantes en todos y cada icono se lleve el dispositivo a otro nivel. Cuidadosamente elegido colores, sombras añadidas al azar, tendrá una influencia inolvidable en su nueva pantalla de inicio!
• 3.710 + iconos de alta definición
• Cientos de alternativas
• Muchos de los iconos de categoría de carpetas para ordenar sus aplicaciones
• 50 fondos de pantalla QHD
• Enmascaramiento de los unthemed
• calendario dinámico
• control de Reloj
• Solicitud de iconos, búsqueda y función de vista previa
• Muzei compatibilidad de pantalla en vivo
• actualizaciones regulares semanales
• Nova, Acción, ADW, ADWex, Apex, Atom, Aviate,, Go, Inspire, KK, lúcido, Siguiente, Nueve, inteligente, Solo, Themer, TSF y muchos más
• Nube de la burbuja Reproductores
• motor del tema
• Unicon y XGELS
Rewun - Icon Pack - screenshotRewun - Icon Pack - screenshotRewun - Icon Pack - screenshotRewun - Icon Pack - screenshot


Moorish Kingdom v4 APK FULL

Moorish Kingdom is a game that makes playing in a fantasy kingdom an epic adventure. Taking you back to the Middle Ages, Moorish Kingdom is a brilliant mix of action and adventure, an experience unlike any other with amazing graphics, vicious combat and staggering boss fights.
A new era is upon us, the age of the just and brave. Summoning the power of man and magic to help free the beloved King and his Royale family and reclaim the lands from the Evil Sorcerer, Baalim.
Put your skills to a test and navigate your warrior through suspension bridges, ancient towns and majestic forests on your way to Baalim and unlock the secrets of the magical Moorish Kingdom. Can you clash with the evil forces & save the Royale family from death?
◉ 4 playable heroes & heroine to choose from
◉ Multiple medieval stages & boss fights
◉ Unlock special abilities to fight against hordes of evil army
◉ Intelligent boss fights with unique AI system
  Moorish Kingdom: captura de pantalla   Moorish Kingdom: captura de pantalla   Moorish Kingdom: captura de pantalla   Moorish Kingdom: captura de pantalla




Brotherhood of Violence II v2.3.12 APK

Eres un miembro formador de una Hermandad, una banda de asesinos y expertos en artes marciales. Ahora tu Hermano ha sido raptado por el misterioso Gran Jefe, un hombre peligroso con poderes increíbles.
¿Le encontrarás? ¿Seguirás el Camino del Guerrero?
#4 Best 3D Games on Android 2013
Geek 20
A Destacar
⋆ Sigue la historia con cinematografía, y una profunda narración.
⋆ Explora más de 30 ambientes únicos, que incluyen más de 400 componentes diferentes con su propio estilo, desde punks, ninja, yakuza ¡y mucho más!
⋆ Elige entre 12 luchadores únicos o crea el tuyo propio con un profundo editor de personajes (características: cara, complexión, peso, ropa, accesorios y más).
⋆ Juega solo o desbloquea un acompañante para que te ayude con la búsqueda.
Disfruta con la experiencia de luchador
⋆ La IA de los combatientes que evolucionan, te mantendrá entretenido
⋆ Sigue una historia no lineal con 3 niveles de dificultad, toma decisiones y ¡sigue el camino de la oscuridad o de la luz del Luchador!
⋆ Juega desafíos diarios: ¡Hitman, Batalla Real y Supervivencia!
Saca lo mejor de tu dispositivo
⋆ Gráficas maravillosas con iluminación avanzada y efectos de post-procesado.
⋆ Personajes y ambientes completamente en 3D, con un nivel de detalle sin precedentes.
⋆ Audio 3D de Alta calidad y una banda sonora muy animada.
⋆ Alta calidad de animaciones de personajes con 5 estilos de lucha diferentes:
Boxeo, Muey-thai, Feral, Kung-fu, Karate ...
⋆ Controles intuitivos con salto, roll, ataque, eventos de tiempo rápido, súper movimientos y mucho más...
Equipa a tu personaje, aprende tu técnica de lucha y salva a tu Hermano.
⋆ Desbloquea movimientos de ataque, personaliza tus estilos combinados con un número infinito de posibilidades.
⋆ Desbloquea ropa nueva para una fuerte personalización del personaje, que incluye la complexión, pintura de cara, estilos de peinado, ropa, accesorios
Brotherhood of Violence II - screenshotBrotherhood of Violence II - screenshot
Brotherhood of Violence II - screenshot
Brotherhood of Violence II - screenshot
Brotherhood of Violence II - screenshot




Fresh - Icon Pack v1.2.1 APK

Fresh is the debut of our new product line, Custom Themes. We're using a quality > quantity approach, with a goal of giving icons familiar yet custom designs. Each Fresh icon is handcrafted to have a consistent playful feel, with creative designs and detail. 

To use Fresh on your device make sure you have a supported launcher installed, which are all listed below.

Premium Icons
Every icon is expertly handcrafted and polished. You won't find any batched icons here. Instead, every icon is custom designed to ensure there's a consistent creative style for the entire pack.
There's currently 500+ Fresh icons with more to come. Please note that Fresh is primarily designed for beautiful homescreen setups.
Supported Launchers
Nova, Apex, Action, Smart, Aviate, Trebuchet, Next, Atom, KK, Solo, Lucid, Inspire, Nine, ADW, Holo, GO, TSF, Themer
Unicon, XGELS, CM Theme Engine
I'll be updating Fresh on a regular basis with new and improved icons. Please take note that quality icon design takes time. Some icons can take hours to get just right. I appreciate your patience as I continue to expand the icon library.
Icon Requests
I'm focusing on creating Fresh icons only for very popular apps. Requests are not available at this time.

 Fresh - Icon Pack: miniatura de captura de pantalla   Fresh - Icon Pack: miniatura de captura de pantalla
 Fresh - Icon Pack: miniatura de captura de pantalla   Fresh - Icon Pack: miniatura de captura de pantalla
   Fresh - Icon Pack- screenshot


Lumi Live Wallpaper Deluxe v1.2.4 APK

Lumi is a full 3D live wallpaper with brilliant 3D tiles that sparkle up and move in waves as you interact with them. The app comes with many vibrant or classy color themes and many different geometric shapes and patterns (gems, honeycomb, box tiles, etc.), and new themes are being added constantly by our team. You can set the color themes to shuffle every once in a while, or triple-tap to switch between them.
Lumi comes in 2 versions: Basic and Deluxe. This Deluxe version gives you full access to all the current and future themes (you only need to purchase once).
=== Features ===
★ Theme selection: Choose from many theme designs. We are constantly adding other themes to the list as free updates.
★ Shake to move: Configure the tiles to move when you shake your phone
★ Random move: Give the tiles more life by adding random movements
★ Music move: Configure the tiles to move to the current music played on your phone
★ Customize movement strength and speed
★ Customize ripple and light flow speed
★ Customize camera speed when you switch between home screens

Devo Icon Pack v4.2.9 APK

Devo is a circle icon pack designed for a dark UI. The colorful borders balance perfectly with a inner darkness. I've paid special attention to detail and creativity with DDevo, so you'll find many icons to have unique designs. One of the most popular dark icon packs in the Play Store!
To use Devo on your device make sure you have a supported launcher installed, which are all listed below.

• 2,600+ Premium Icons
• 8 HD Wallpapers
• Weekly Updates every Friday
• Material Design App
• Multi-Launcher Support
• Icon Picker and Search within Devo App
• Dynamic Calendar Support
• Icon Masking for Unthemed Icons
Supported Launchers
• Nova, Apex, Action, Smart, Aviate, Trebuchet, Next, Atom, KK, Solo, Lucid, Inspire, Nine, ADW, Holo, GO, TSF, Themer, Epic, LG Home, Arrow, EverythingMe, Hola, Trebuchet
• Unicon, XGELS, CM Theme Engine

 Devo Icon Pack: miniatura de captura de pantalla   Devo Icon Pack: miniatura de captura de pantalla
 Devo Icon Pack: miniatura de captura de pantalla   Devo Icon Pack: miniatura de captura de pantalla